clearing through some stuff and I found it and thought I might post it here.
It's not written to me, no matter how much I wished... ;)
Starry Night
It was so dark outside. The moon shined upon the glassy lake, its glow was so
hauntingly still as the wind softly echoed around. It was so beautiful, so
quiet, breathtaking. Suddenly I wanted to share this sight with someone, but
I was alone, empty, by myself with nothing but the sorrow of the moon's
haunting glow.
The coldness of the moon's rays reflected against my fingertips on the cold
lake and and echoed hollow riplet along the smooth mirrored water. And my
eyes did tear at the thought of you, there, while I was here... alone,
seemingly forever have I been. And when I think of how you smile, the moon is
qite overshadowed . What else could crack my shell so easily? A kiss persay,
so soft and sweet.
Oh how it hurts to say, that I will never have the chance to love you. Maybe
that is why I share my loneliness with an empty, cold, lonely night and the
moon a secret confidant to my dreams, hopes, fears, sorrows. I lay each at
your feet, but you don't see. How can you see? Unless you open your eyes,
your heart. Let me in or let me go... just be good enough to let me know
where we ae going... For right now the oblivion of this starry night circles
me and enfold me like a blurry kaleidoscope.
Do you love me or is it purely in my mind? You can't possibly love me - I am
just not your style. A dreamer... hoper... a sweet soul, so lost, confused
forever it seems alone...
Missy Duhr, 1995