You see, I was working very very hard, or so it seemed, I felt like I need a vacation. So... I took one. I went and visited two very cool people, Kara and Fiid. And I had a blast! I relaxed I had fun.
While visiting Kara and Fiid, they were sweet enough to drive up to New Jersey one weekend, so that I could meet a very good friend of mine, Dan. Now, I had feelings for Dan, but I thought that we were just friends. La ti da... things just happened, feelings came out, sparks flew, and now we're dating. Yes, I received a letter yesterday inna mail, from Dan, asking me to be his girlfriend. Of course, I said yes. I love the boy, what can I say. I've never really felt this way about anyone before. Yes, I've loved others, but... this is different, it's much better. Even when things aren't going so well, I still love him. The only thing that upsets me about the whole thing is, I'm in Indiana, and he is in New Jersey.
Distance SUCKS Big hairy moose balls!
Anyway... I dunno, tonight I was in my car, just sorta driving around, blaring music, driving way to fast (like 75 in a 45...) and I was thinking about Dan and stuff, and I got all sad, cuz I missed him, and I couldn't just go and hug him. Ya know?
But all in all, I know that things will be ok. I'm looking for a new job, so I can earn more money. Yay! Once I earn more money, I can move out east. Because, it is just awesome out there! I love it! I can buy a car. Woo hoo! And just be happy! Not that I'm not happy right now. It's just that I can be much happier inna east, ya know? Around people I love and care about, where I just love being... It's such a wooooooonderful feeling, ya know?
Anyway... it is back to the job searching for me, then off to bed. I got up really early this morning, and now I'm tiiiiiiiired :)