Message 2740 on *Chatter (#98):
Date: Thu Sep 13 10:04:50 2001 EST
From: Gabriel_Winter (#125)
To: *Chatter (#98)
Subject: Sadness
I've also been in a constant state of mild depression from this. I'm pretty
worried about whats going to happen next. So many people around me are trying
to deal with this by acting like it didn't happen, which just goes to show you
how serious it really is.
I woke up this morning and was convinced that it was a wierd dream until they
started talking about it on the radio.
Its pretty clear to me, after hearing responses from ours, and the worlds,
polical leaders, that we are on the brink of a third world war. I understand
that the United States is not going to seek extradition of any terrorists. We
are intending to just go in and get them. Also, congress is considering
overturning the law past in the Carter administration that disallows political
assasinations. NATO is preparing for a full scale war.
I originally thought that this would end with the usual week long bombing run
that we have all been accostommed to, but it would appear that the world
leaders are ready to support a "long-term sustained war on terrism." They are
not mentioning a war against just the person who did this, they are just
saying terrists and the people who harbor them.
It is very likely that NATO will invade the middle east and take control of
several countries, possibly part of Africa to. This would be war on multiple
fronts, with support with at least 19 of the worlds most powerful countries
and the support of both China and Russia.
This is not conjecture... This absolutely is the state of the world as I write
this. The seriousness and the inplications of what is happening is wheighing
heavily on my mind.
I support the United States Government wholeheartedly in whatever action it
decides to take...