The interMOO mailing list has just overgone a HUGE over's the details:
I have created a 'post office' object on Craggy Island which handles the network. Here's the stages that a mail goes through in order to get sent:
1) Compressed into a string, and sent to the post office object on Craggy. (All mail from all MOO's go there first)
2) This is stored in a buffer for 60 seconds
3) Every 60 secs, the post office sends out the contents of the buffer to all the MOO's connected (Incl. us)
4) The buffer is cleared.
This means that all the lists on all the MOO's should be identical.
If someone tries to send the list while the post office is sending, they are put in a suspend loop until it's finished.
Also, when a MOO connected to the network restarts, the list contacts the post office, and checks that it's not missed anything. If it has, it downloads the messages it's missed. So, Craggy Island is the server for the whole interMOO system....
So, @subscribe interMOO now, and become part of the system.....and if you know anyone who would like this on their MOO, @send wildcard