It hasn't been much of a problem here, but it has been brought to my attention elseMOO. If you are unclear about our policy on harrassment, please page a wizard and ask.
Harrassment over the MOO is classified as any unwanted advances, whether it is someone who sends you nasty, lewd, or threatening mail, pages, or conversation.
What can I do about harrassment?
First, tell the person to leave you alone. If they keep bothering you, you can @gag them. If they harrass you elseMOO to find you, join you without asking, or repeatedly log in as guests to harrass you, please mail *wizards, *help, or page a wiz or a miniwiz.
The person will be @booted, @newted, or @toaded.
Can females harrass males as well as the other way around?
Yes. It's more frequent for males to harrass females or other males, but it does happen. You should still follow the same procedures.
Do I have to log evidence?
It is preferable if you log evidence. Just cut and paste whatever the person is saying, then @qsend *wiz (or *help) and paste the text in. If you don't, we will only be going on your word, and we will have to wait for a repeat attack to log evidence, or another person saying they are also being harrassed.
If you have any other questions, please contact the wizzen.