Players climb onto and up it with 'climb climbable', and descend with 'descend climbable'.
@height climbable is
Used by the climb verb to detect when you can't go any further.
@describe climbable at level as string : Defines a single line description
to be printed to the player when e climbs or descends to that level, or
to be appended to the output of the containing room's :look_self when
executed by the player. (This is an awful kluge. Don't read the code, OK?)
No editing is available; you may only replace strings with @describe again.
@capacity climbable is
can be climbing on the climbable at once.
@messages available to set:
@next-step climbable is "You climb up."
@onext-step climbable is "climbs up the %d."
Printed to player and room (respectively) when someone climbs from one level to the next.
@start-climbing climbable is "You climb onto the %d."
@ostart-climbing climbable is "climbs onto the %d."
Printed to player and room (respectively) when someone climbs onto the climbable for the first time.
@step-down climbable is "You descend the %d."
@ostep-down climbable is "descends the %d."
Printed to player and room (respectively) when someone descends from one level to the previous.
@stop-climbing climbable is "You get off the %d."
@ostop-climbing climbable is "gets off the %d."
Printed to player and room (respectively) when someone descends from the bottom level to the floor
Programmatic Customization:
The verb :look_height is called in all places where the climbable wants to print out one of the height descriptions entered with @describe above. This verb does player:tell; it doesn't return its string or anything. You can override it, or add stuff to it.
The verb :set_description(level,description) is used by the @describe verb, and can be used to set multiline descriptions by making the second argument a list.
The Generic Climbable Object is invitingly empty.