Yay on having a heart to heart (erm, well, me moaning and Monique and Paul listening and offering comments from time to time) last night at Monique and Paul's.
Bah on doing laundry last night for the trip until 1am.
Yay that I was awakened last night by the sound of Fiid putting a single red rose in a glass next to my side of the bed.
Yay on going away to Connecticut this weekend to see one of my best friends and spend some much needed time by myself.
Bah on having to drive the whole damn way by myself without a tape player or CD player, in a rental car.
Yay that I think it will help a LOT.
Yay on finally being treated as though I were human.
Bah that my perspective is somewhat warped.
Bah on having my bank account balance be at $5.67.
Bah on not getting paid until Wednesday!!!!!
Yay that it will give me a big chunk of money to pay bills with.
Bah that it will give me a big chunk of money to pay bills with (who wants to spend money on bills?).