The events that run my life
are not governed by the laws
of the universe.
Rather, instead, they are governed
by me and my want of things.
Such things that define my being.
Things such as hurt and pain, love
and hate, elations and pitfalls...
They define who I am.
I look to the future with hope,
I look behind myself with regret.
Was it right for me to even be born,
or, rather, is it right to live.
Are we our conscious selves to answer
such questions? Should our souls
answer? Who knows. People try to
make the best of it, why shouldn't I.
All I had asked for, was to be told
the truth, and not be cheated upon;
Never have I received both, yet
always have I been lied to or cheated on.
Does such pain rule our lives? Perhaps
our souls are not things full of hope and
light, perhaps they are filled with remorse
and hatred!
My soul barely peeps when I get hurt once more.
Why should it? What purpose would it serve?
Someone higher than myself decreed that pain
would define my life. Who am I to question it?
One should also realize that the opposites also
come from within. Hopes and dreams, elated
feelings, and more importantly... love. It is said
that out of the depths of destruction comes new life.
So then, be it with me.