Multi-communications feature

This is the feature object one needs to talk and communicate on a 'listening

channel.' You should type `@add-feature #428' to add this feature to yourself,

then you can type any of the following commands:

@xreg Makes a new listening channel.

must be a descendant of #429. your new channel.

@xunreg Closes your channel, and removes it from the list.

@xac on Allows to talk on

@xre on Disallows to talk on

@chan [| ...] [not | ...]

lists all channels, or specific or

types: private, active, hyper-active

groups: talking, listening, open, closed

@xstat [] Shows the status of your current channel or

@xwho Show who is listening to your current channel

@xwho all Show all players on channels with online listeners

@xcon Connect yourself to

@xdiscon Disconnect yourself from all channels.

@xlisten Begins listening to , but continue talking on

your current channel.

@xsilence [] Disconnect from , or your current channel.

@xsw Continue listening to current channel, but begin talking on

@xonly [] Quit listening to all channels, and begin talking only on

, or your current channel.

@xm|xm Transmit on your current channel. EX: xm hello

@xmo|xmo|xm:|@xm: Transmit an emote. EX: xm:waves

@xalias |none Set your alias to for the Anonymous channel, or

remove your alias and use the default.

@xth|xth Think on your current channel EX: xth can you

read my mind?

If anyone runs into problems with any of these verbs, or gets a traceback on

any part of the multi-communication channel, moomail to Chapman, and I will

get it fixed as soon as I can.