For each recipient of a given mail message, the following two verbs are called to determine where the message should actually go and who should be notified about it:
should return either
. a list of objects (either players or $mail_recipients)
to which mail for this recipient will be redirected.
. a string error message to be printed to the player sending the message.
If this recipient is one of the original destinations (i.e., not the
result of a previous forwarding), no mail is actually sent.
If :mail_forward returns a nonempty list, the recipient itself will *not*
actually receive the mail message unless it is included in the list.
#-1 is allowed to be on the list; it is ignored but does make the list
nonempty. Thus, having :mail_forward() return {#-1} is the canonical way
to have arriving mail disappear without being kept or forwarded.
should return a list of objects that are to be told about any mail sent
to this recipient (whether or not the recipient actually receives it).
Said objects must have a :notify_mail verb, but other from that, there
is no restriction on what these can be.
object:notify_mail is called with the arguments
(sender,recipients,msgnumbers) where
recipients == list of recipients including object in .mail_notify
msgsnumbers == corresponding list of :receive_message return values
(or 0 if :receive_message is not actually called, which
will be the case if the recipient forwards without keeping)
When called as part of a mail send, the `from' argument is the immediate predecessor on the forwarding chain. The default versions of these verbs return the values of .mail_forward and .mail_notify respectively (pronoun_subbing if the value is a string), unless this is a moderated mailing list and `from' is an unapproved sender (see `help MR-access') in which case the following verbs are called instead:
what :mail_forward should return for mail coming from unapproved senders
This returns .moderator_forward (pronoun_subbed if a string) by default.
what :mail_notify should return for mail coming from unapproved senders
This returns .moderator_notify (pronoun_subbed if a string) by default.
Since the :mail_forward verbs only see the previous sender in the forwarding chain, if, e.g, B is moderated but A can send to B (i.e., B:mail_forward(A) returns an actual list), then any mail sent to A goes to B even if the original sender isn't normally allowed to send to B directly.
These verbs should all allow `from' to be omitted in which case they should return as if `from' were a generic approved sender (e.g., wizard).
It should rarely be necessary to actually modify any of :*_forward/*_notify verbs, since one has a fair amount of control over their behavior via the following properties
.moderated (see `help MR-access')