Core Utility Help


The Generic Room ($room)


(1) Announcements

:announce (@text) => broadcasts to all except player

:announce_all (@text) => broadcasts to all

:announce_all_but (objects,@text) => broadcasts to all except those in objects

say, emote

(2) Command recovery

:huh (verb,args) - server hook: last chance to make sense of verb

:here_huh (verb,args) - room's last attempt to parse something

:here_explain_syntax (this,verb,args) - attempts to explain usage of verb

(3) Residency

free_home - true => @sethome allows anyone to set his .home to be here

residents - objects on this list may teleport in and/or set their homes here.


=> true iff player should be allowed to set .home to this room.


(4) Looking

dark - true => contents are not visible

ctype - 1..4 for four different styles of .contents lists

:match (string) => exit or object in room's .contents

:tell_contents (objects,ctype) - format objects according to ctype, tell player


(5) Entrance and exit.

:accept (object) - Called by move() and :moveto() before an object enters a room, if false is returned, movement is prevented. Protocol permits this verb to make noise (though this is discouraged) as this is the only place the room will learn the object's original location.

:acceptable (object) - Called by verbs which wish to check whether movement will be possible. Protocol prohibits this verb from making noise and requires it to return the same value as :accept would for the same arguments.

:is_unlocked_for (object) - interface with the @lock protocol. Returns true or false depending on the state of locks for the object with the room. Other things may prevent entrance even if this returns true. Protocol prohibits this verb from making noise.

:enterfunc (object) - called after entrance has succeeded. Noise is fine.

:exitfunc (object) - called after an object has successfully left. Noisemaking is fine.

(6) Topology and Movement via Exits

See `help $exit' for an explanation of how the generic $exit works.

free_entry - true => `teleporting' in is allowed

false => only residents may teleport in

exits - list of invokable exits leading from this room

entrances - list of recognized exits leading to this room

blessed_object - object currently entering via an exit

blessed_task - task_id for entering object

:match_exit (string) => exit whose name matches string

:bless_for_entry (object) - set up room to accept object arriving from entrance

:add_exit (exit)

:add_entrance (exit)

:remove_exit (exit)

:remove_entrance (exit)

e/east/w/west/s/south/n/north/ne/northeast/nw/northwest/se/southeast/sw/southwest/u/up/d/down, go, @add-exit, @add-entrance, @remove-exit, @remove-entrance, @exits, @entrances

(7) Ejection


:*_msg() messages
