Core Utility Help




Rather than having the server built-in recycle() and create() functions handle the creation and destruction of objects, a recycling center has been created to simulate these actions by changing objects that would have been recycled into children of $garbage (The Generic Garbage Object) and making them owned by Hacker, and then when they're needed again, to avoid a raw create() command, those objects are given to whoever's asking for them.

Most Useful Verbs


$recycler:_recycle( object )

This will effectively recycle an object. (As a point of fact, it changes ownership of the object to Hacker and makes the object a child of $garbage.) It handles .ownership_quota and .owned_objects properly. Generally, use this instead of a recycle() in your verbs.

$recycler:_create( parent object [ , new owner object ] )

This effectively creates an object (with the specified parent, if possible, and with the specified owner, if possible; these are the same restrictions as on the server create() builtin). This is what should generally be used instead of create() in your programming.

$recycler:valid ( object )

This is a variant of the server built-in valid() except that it handles the $garbage objects as well. It returns a 1 if the object specified -is- valid and is -not- a $garbage object.

Other Notes


request from

This is not an internal verb (it's !x). It is, however, a command-line verb that can be used to request a specific object from the recycler. It's also useful for the creation of objects like a Magic Number Repository. When the object is removed from the recycler, the .announce_removal_msg is announced to the room if it's set (it's piped through $string_utils for pronoun substitution).


This is a wizardly verb which allows wizards to check the `history list' of the recycler. The history maintains the latest ($recycler.nhist) entries.


This maintains a list of objects for which the recreation process got mangled. It ought to be checked every once in a while to see what's up.