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This object is a mail_recipient like any other (see `help $mail_recipient'). One may send messages to it and use the usual recipient manipulation commands (@mail, @read, @rmm,...).

Selected messages on this recipient are ordered in reverse date order (i.e., most recent first) and concatenated to produce the "news" that is printed in response to the player `news' command. Each news item is thus a distinct message. The default $player:confunc checks to see if any new messages have been selected for inclusion in the "news" since the player last read the news.

The property $news.current_news holds the message sequence of messages currently considered as comprising "the news". The following commands are used to change .current_news:

@addnews to #145

@rmnews from #145

@setnews #145 to

@addnews includes the specified messages, @rmnews excludes the specified messages, and @setnews changes .current_news to be the given message sequence. Note that these ONLY change whether a given message is marked as being "in the news" and do not actually add or remove messages from the mail recipient $news.

The procedure for adding a news article is

Send a mail message to News Article Database (#145)

@addnews last to #145

This marks the message as belonging to the current newspaper.

This also announces to any player who have not yet read this message

that there is a new version of the newspaper.

The preferred method for updating a news items is to send a new version of the item, @rmnews the old version and @addnews the new one.

The following ordinary mail commands behave differently

@rmm removes any reference to message from .current_news

in addition to removing the message itself from .messages

@unrmm completely undoes the effect of the previous @rmm;

this includes restoring .current_news.

By default, the newspaper is moderated, however there is the possibility of unmoderating it (see `help MR-access'), letting arbitrary players send mail to it; administrators could then @addnews those items deemed worthy.