This object contains a two distinct sets of routines:
1. utilities for performing basic mailsystem functions, e.g.,
matching on recipient names, resolving mail forwarding,
formatting messages, sending messages
Recipient Matching
match - match on a $mail_recipient
match_recipient - match on either a $mail_recipient or a player
match_failed - print angry messages to the user for $failed/ambiguous_match
look_self - provides a list of available $mail_recipients
Message Format
make_message - produces a message in the canonical transmission format
name - single recipient => string for address field
name_list - list of recipients => string for address field
parse_address_field - address field string => object list
Sending Messages
send_message - advertised message sending routine.
raw_send - raw message sending routine
(only called by $mail_editor:send and this:send_message)
resolve_addr - converts a given list recipients into a list of actual
recipients and objects to be notified.
sends_to - Does X forward (transitively) to Y
Mail Options
2. canonical versions of mail_recipient verbs
Ideally, the verbs to perform operations on a given mail recipient would be located on the recipient itself, except for the fact that these verbs also need to be located on players, which for various reasons, shouldn't be children of $mail_recipient. Multiple inheritance would solve our problems, but we don't have it yet. Ergo, both $mail_recipient and $player refer to the following verbs here:
display_seq_full print entire text of messages (@read)
display_seq_headers print headers of messages (@mail)
rm_message_seq remove messages (@rmm)
undo_rmm undo last rm_message_seq (@unrmm)
expunge_rmm flush removed messages (@unrmm expunge)
list_rmm list removed messages (@unrmm list)
renumber renumber messages (@renumber)
msg_summary_line msg header => display_seq_headers/list_rmm summary line
parse_message_seq command line msg sequence spec => message sequence
new_message_num => message number of next new message
length_all_msgs => number of messages (total)
length_num_le => number of messages numbered <= some number
length_date_le => number of messages dated <= some date
exists_num_eq => true iff there exists a messsage with the given number
from_msg_seq => message sequence of msgs from given sender(s)
to_msg_seq => message sequence of msgs to given recipient(s)
subject_msg_seq => message sequence of msgs with subjects containing text
body_msg_seq => message sequence of msgs with bodies containing text
messages_in_seq => list of {message number, message} pairs
messages == :messages_in_seq(1,:length_all_msgs()+1) (obsolete)
The $mail_agent versions of these verbs are set_task_perms(caller_perms()) and perform their operations on caller, which in turn is assumed to have done any necessary security checks.