Core Utility Help




This object manages command parsing for unconnected players and governs the initiation of an actual connection. There are verbs pertaining to registration, controlling player creation, and doing site-locks (see `help blacklist' on $wiz_help).


Recall that for each line that an unconnected player types, the server parses that line into words (the same way normal commands are parsed into a list of words that is then assigned to `args') and then #0:do_login_command is called.

:parse_command (@args) => {verb, @args}

given the sequence of arguments that were fed to #0:do_login_command

this returns the name of a verb on $login to be called together with a

list of arguments to be passed to it.

By default this just returns args iff args[1] names an actual verb on $login that is +x and has args {"any","none","any"}. Otherwise, it returns one of

.blank_command -- verb to call if command line is empty

.bogus_command -- verb to call if command line otherwise unintelligible

In both cases :parse_command returns a verbname followed by the entire args list passed to it (including the would-be verb at the beginning if any).

Currently the following verbs are available to non-connected players

h*elp @h*elp -- print .welcome_message

? -- print a short list of available commands

w*ho @w*ho -- print a list of logged in players (excluding wizards)

co*nnect @co*nnect -- connect to an existing player

cr*eate @cr*eate -- create a new player

up*time @up*time -- tell how long the server has been running

version @version -- tell which version of the server is running

q*uit @q*uit -- logoff

Adding a new command is fairly straightforward; just create a verb on $login, making sure a previous verb doesn't already match the name you want to give it. Then give it args of "any" "none "any" and make sure it is +x. Such a verb should begin with `if (caller != #0) return E_PERM; ...' so as to prevent anyone other from a not-logged-in player from making use of it.



-- the message for "help" to print.


== 0 => @create prints .registration_string if one tries to use it

== 1 => anyone from a non-blacklisted site (see `help blacklist')

may use @create to make a new player


-- an email address for character creation requests


-- string to print to players to give them information about how to get

a character created for them, .registration_address is substituted

for %e, % for %%


-- string to print to @newted players (see `help @newt').

same substitutions as for .registration_string.


-- integer representing the maximum connected players permitted on this moo.


-- string printed out when this is reached.


-- list of non-wizard players who may login anyway.

Other verbs

:registration_string() => .registration_string with substitutions

:newt_registration_string() => .newt_registration_string with substitutions


decides whether someone on connection should be allowed to create

a player. If you decide this shouldn't depend strictly on the blacklist

and on the value of .create_enabled, here's where the extra code can go.


prints a warning message to append to the login banner in the event

that the server will be going down soon.


prints a warning message to append to the login banner in the event

that $player_db is being reloaded to warn players that their character

names might not be recognized.


see `help blacklist'