I have found a number of people that have been idle for 7 months or more. I will automatically recycle anyone who has been idle for a year or more, or who has never connected. These people include (if you know them, please inform them):
scarlett, Dire_Wolf, Skunkbaby, Arianrhod, Alison, Babbs, Joseph, Gizzmo, Halo, Christi, Mumbles, Gungles, Phishman, Brandey, and Christine_of_Star
And LeftTurn
Those who have been idle from 7 to 1 year:
Marcos, Nicki, phyber, Graz, Loupy, Chapman, Slacker, Saint, Spyder, Marshall, Rk, Rufus, Richard, hobbie, Tibet, Lilly, Francesco, Kiss, Kiss, Scissors, Funkmeister, Chicago_Hopeless, kermit, RocketMan, Xavier, alyson, Adrianne, greeni, Spice_Girl_Geri, Tall_Bloke, Saga, Pieter-Bas, Juliet, SheDevil, Gwydion, Apollo, Mark, murphys_girl, fawn, Christi, Fat_Bloke, Vlad, Baby, Takhisis, toxic_penetration, Groover, maeve, Tara, Katerina, Sarah, msr, Mira, and Guy.
If you see these people elseMOO, please ask them to connect within the next week. They will recycled after. If someone wants to send them all mail, please do.