If you ran this check on the 29th, then that may be the problem. MOO doesn't have a Y2K problem as all of it's dates and times are counted in seconds, just like linux, unix etc. So, MOO isn't gonna have any problems in the time frame until early 2038...which is when Unix and clones die.
I think the problem was a fluke, 2000 is the first year since 1600 to be a '00' year that's a leap year. Don't worry about it, everything should work again ;)
And if you're worrying about 2038? Linux goes 64bit soon, which means the time thing will last another 200,000,000,000 or so years ;)
Also, you're running 1.8.0p6 which is the 2nd latest version. I have, along with Father Jack, been testing the latest release 1.8.1 for about a month now, and it seems pretty stable and flies like a fast winged thing...especially with some of the hacks Jack's done to it ;)